Here in Michigan, I would describe this past week as having the perfect Fall weather. Calm, cool and well, you know, the type that was just right for a long sleeve shirt. On one of these evenings I took my dog for a walk and thoroughly immersed myself in the stillness, the mild temp and the quiet. It was late night, and as someone who loves the nighttime, I also had the luxury of feeling safe.
Surrounded by this nocturnal bliss, I couldn’t help but count my blessings or a better way of saying it, appreciate how lucky I am. Even though I have an older home, it’s the right size for what I need and it’s located in a great and friendly neighborhood. I also have a good job that pays well and when I’m hungry I have money in my pocket for something to eat. In essence all my basic needs are met.
And so goes the same for my wife. She has one of her dream jobs as a flight nurse and in my opinion she rocks (although I’m still the better nurse). She’s also involved in a couple of nursing research projects and is currently studying for her master’s degree in a subject that interests her immensely. And like myself, she has a car that works, a roof over her head and money in her pocket.
All in all, we’re fortunate to have these things, especially during the pandemic. And despite all of this, why is it that we both feel restless? We have everything we need, yet we can’t help but wonder if there’s something more. We both agree that it’s not a monetary issue, but rather a deeper meaning as it relates to our journey through life.
I once read that the ascension of homo sapiens (that being us as a species) over other early human species had to do with their need to explore, dominate, find ways to make things better and in essence never become stagnant. Could it be that such ideals are embedded into our DNA and cause us to consistently search out something more?
Such principals are found in the nomadic culture that defines many employees of emergency medicine. Over the years I’ve watched doctors, nurses and paramedics enter the workplace only to leave in three to five years as they eagerly move on to the next stage of their careers.
Then again maybe this restlessness has to do with the simple fact that it’s not just about a career, but more about searching out something beyond the fulfillment of our wants and needs. If we accept Darwin’s premise that “the strongest survive,” then once our daily needs are satisfied there must exist a desire to overcome some kind of obstacle; maybe there exists a need for struggle to define our existence. Despite our intelligence and intellect maybe we’re chained to this primal battle which in turn pulls us toward unrest, drama and restlessness.
Contemplating restlessness intellectually, begs the exploration of that age old question, what is the meaning of life and how do we fit in as a conscious being? If you’ve thought about it, you come to realize that it’s difficult to answer. I believe part of the solution lies in simply experiencing all that life has to offer. The good, the bad, the happy and the sad. And yet, this too doesn’t seem to fully provide a sufficient meaning.
Taking the concept of experience even further, I feel it can be refined to include the way we interact with people and the world around us. And this interaction, this connectedness, is most beneficial when it engages humanity and our environment in a positive manner.
I understand that someone’s restlessness can be likened to the need for change, yet there exists some change that’s not beneficial for anyone. Case in point was the recent plot to kidnap our Michigan governor because this group, on some level, was bothered by the mandate to wear a mask.
At what point did a group of grown men think that this was a good idea? Did they realize that if they did succeed in their plan and started a civil war that the chances were slim to none of it remaining sustainable? Did they really think they would be able to create a problem free society? That the issues we currently face, would in time, become similar issues they would have to face?
No country or ideology is perfect. However, some form of structure is needed in order for people to function in a given society. There’s no way we can assume that people can govern themselves without expecting the infiltration of greed, favoritism and power.
Restlessness will exist in some form, at some point, in all of us. It’s my hope that we can realize its presence and in turn channel this energy into something positive that humanity, society and our environment can benefit. While I realize that I have so many things in which to be thankful for, I can’t help but wonder if there’s something more waiting for me out there. An adventure, my next book, piece of art or maybe helping someone in need. So I leave you with a snippet of lyrics from the Eagles tune “In The City”:
“Somewhere out on that horizon
Out beyond those neon lights
I know there must be something better
But, there’s nowhere else in sight”
I still believe that the majority of us want to be in this together, let's not be too close together while we're all in it.